Embracing Ireland's Legal Heritage: Uniting Brehon Law, Modern Jurisprudence, and Beyond

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Choose what's best for you

I offer a range of self-paced courses, certificate level short courses, designed to fit your schedule and budget. Whether you're interested in Brehon Law, Irish Law, or both, I have the perfect course for you.

First and foremost, my courses go beyond textbook knowledge and offer a unique blend of academic rigor and immersive experiences. We believe that true understanding of history comes from actively engaging with it. Through interactive activities, site visits, and hands-on projects, you will have the opportunity to step into the shoes of historical figures, witness significant events, and explore the very places where history was made. This immersive approach not only deepens your understanding but also sparks your imagination, allowing you to truly connect with the past.
Moreover, my courses are designed to be comprehensive and multidisciplinary. While rooted in historical context, they incorporate various disciplines such as archaeology, anthropology, and sociology to provide a holistic understanding of the times. You will gain insights into the social, cultural, and political dynamics that shaped history, enabling you to view historical events through a multifaceted lens. This interdisciplinary approach enhances your critical thinking skills and broadens your perspective, giving you a well-rounded understanding of the subject matter.

Another distinguishing feature of my courses is the emphasis on personal exploration and discovery. Rather than simply delivering information, I foster an environment that encourages independent thinking and active participation. You will have the opportunity to conduct research, engage in lively discussions, and present your findings. This approach promotes intellectual growth and nurtures your analytical skills, preparing you for future academic pursuits or professional endeavors.

Furthermore, my passion for the subject matter and commitment to teaching excellence ensure that you receive the highest quality education. I am deeply invested in your success and strive to create a supportive learning environment where you feel motivated and empowered to achieve your full potential. Through personalized guidance and constructive feedback, I will help you navigate the complexities of history and cultivate critical skills necessary for your academic and personal growth.

Lastly, my courses are designed to be accessible and flexible. We understand that students have diverse commitments such as work and family commitments and learning preferences, for instance some students don't like crowded learning environments or feeling under peressure to finish each module at a set rate or set duration. Therefore, my courses offer self-paced learning, allowing you to study at your own convenience. You can engage with the material whenever and wherever suits you best. To reinforce your understanding, each module concludes with multiple-choice questions that enable you to assess your progress and consolidate your knowledge.
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Benefits of our training programs

By enrolling in my courses, you stand to benefit in numerous ways, opening doors to personal and professional growth. Allow me to highlight some of the key advantages you can expect:

Comprehensive Knowledge: My courses provide a deep and comprehensive understanding of the subject matter. Whether you are studying Brehon Law, Irish Law, or Forensic Psychology, you will gain a solid foundation in all of these subjects.

Practical Application: I emphasize the practical application of concepts, ensuring that you develop practical skills that can be directly applied in real-world scenarios. 

Enhanced Critical Thinking: My courses foster critical thinking and analytical skills, empowering you to approach complex issues with a discerning eye. 

Personal Growth: Through engaging with historical narratives, legal principles, or psychological theories, my courses encourage personal growth and self-reflection. 

Flexibility and Convenience: My courses offer the flexibility to learn at your own pace and convenience. With self-paced modules and online resources, you can fit your studies around your existing commitments, making education accessible to those with busy schedules.

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Learn from experts

As an instructor, I am humbled by the recognition I have received throughout Ireland for my expertise in both law and forensic psychology. Teaching these subjects has been my passion, and I am thrilled to bring my extensive knowledge to our courses.

As your instructor, my commitment goes beyond just imparting knowledge. I strive to create a supportive and enriching learning environment that empowers students to excel in their studies. I am dedicated to fostering their growth, providing guidance, and preparing them for a successful future in law and forensic psychology.


Check out our courses


Ultimate Distance Training

Teresa explains some of the more complex maxims in law, such as Ryland v Fletcher so as to convey the whole meaning in such a way that it's very simple and memorable. I was literally pulling my hair out as I couldnt grasp the concept and when she explained it to me it was like a lightbulb moment.
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Hours of operation
Tuesday - Wednesday - Thursday 10.00 - 14.00

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